The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
Parameter |
Choices/Defaults |
Comments |
required |
The path to the root of the Django application where lives.
A list of space-delimited apps to target. Used by the 'test' command.
The name of the table used for database-backed caching. Used by the 'createcachetable' command.
required |
The name of the Django management command to run. Built in commands are cleanup, collectstatic, flush, loaddata, migrate, runfcgi, syncdb, test, and validate.
Other commands can be entered, but will fail if they're unknown to Django. Other commands that may prompt for user input should be run with the --noinput flag.
The database to target. Used by the 'createcachetable', 'flush', 'loaddata', and 'syncdb' commands.
Fail the command immediately if a test fails. Used by the 'test' command.
A space-delimited list of fixture file names to load in the database. Required by the 'loaddata' command.
(added in 1.3) |
Will create links to the files instead of copying them, you can only use this parameter with 'collectstatic' command
(added in 1.3) |
Will run out-of-order or missing migrations as they are not rollback migrations, you can only use this parameter with 'migrate' command
A directory to add to the Python path. Typically used to include the settings module if it is located external to the application directory.
The Python path to the application's settings module, such as 'myapp.settings'.
(added in 1.3) |
Will skip over out-of-order missing migrations, you can only use this parameter with migrate
An optional path to a virtualenv installation to use while running the manage application.
aliases: virtualenv |
# Run cleanup on the application installed in 'django_dir'.
- django_manage:
command: cleanup
app_path: "{{ django_dir }}"
# Load the initial_data fixture into the application
- django_manage:
command: loaddata
app_path: "{{ django_dir }}"
fixtures: "{{ initial_data }}"
# Run syncdb on the application
- django_manage:
command: syncdb
app_path: "{{ django_dir }}"
settings: "{{ settings_app_name }}"
pythonpath: "{{ settings_dir }}"
virtualenv: "{{ virtualenv_dir }}"
# Run the SmokeTest test case from the main app. Useful for testing deploys.
- django_manage:
command: test
app_path: "{{ django_dir }}"
apps: main.SmokeTest
# Create an initial superuser.
- django_manage:
command: "createsuperuser --noinput --username=admin"
app_path: "{{ django_dir }}"
This module is flagged as preview which means that it is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.
If you notice any issues in this documentation you can edit this document to improve it.