- acl - Sets and retrieves file ACL information.
- add_host - add a host (and alternatively a group) to the ansible-playbook in-memory inventory
- apt - Manages apt-packages
- apt_key - Add or remove an apt key
- apt_repository - Add and remove APT repositories
- assemble - Assembles a configuration file from fragments
- assert - Asserts given expressions are true
- async_status - Obtain status of asynchronous task
- at - Schedule the execution of a command or script file via the at command
- authorized_key - Adds or removes an SSH authorized key
- aws_s3 - manage objects in S3.
- blockinfile - Insert/update/remove a text block surrounded by marker lines
- cloudformation - Create or delete an AWS CloudFormation stack
- command - Executes a command on a remote node
- copy - Copies files to remote locations
- debconf - Configure a .deb package
- debug - Executes tasks in interactive debug session.
- dnf - Manages packages with the dnf package manager
- ec2 - create, terminate, start or stop an instance in ec2
- ec2_group - maintain an ec2 VPC security group.
- ec2_metadata_facts - Gathers facts (instance metadata) about remote hosts within ec2
- ec2_snapshot - creates a snapshot from an existing volume
- ec2_vol - create and attach a volume, return volume id and device map
- ec2_vpc_net - Configure AWS virtual private clouds
- ec2_vpc_net_facts - Gather facts about ec2 VPCs in AWS
- ec2_vpc_subnet - Manage subnets in AWS virtual private clouds
- ec2_vpc_subnet_facts - Gather facts about ec2 VPC subnets in AWS
- fail - Fail with custom message
- fetch - Fetches a file from remote nodes
- file - read file contents
- find - Return a list of files based on specific criteria
- get_url - Downloads files from HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP to node
- getent - A wrapper to the unix getent utility
- git - Deploy software (or files) from git checkouts
- group - Add or remove groups
- group_by - Create Ansible groups based on facts
- import_playbook - Import a playbook
- import_role - Import a role into a play
- import_tasks - Import a task list
- include - Include a play or task list
- include_role - Load and execute a role
- include_tasks - Dynamically include a task list
- include_vars - Load variables from files, dynamically within a task
- iptables - Modify the systems iptables
- lineinfile - Manage lines in text files
- meta - Execute Ansible ‘actions’
- mount - Control active and configured mount points
- package - Generic OS package manager
- pause - Pause playbook execution
- ping - Try to connect to host, verify a usable python and return pong on success
- pip - Manages Python library dependencies
- raw - Executes a low-down and dirty SSH command
- rhn_channel - Adds or removes Red Hat software channels
- rpm_key - Adds or removes a gpg key from the rpm db
- s3_bucket - Manage S3 buckets in AWS, Ceph, Walrus and FakeS3
- script - Executes an inventory script that returns JSON
- seboolean - Toggles SELinux booleans
- selinux - Change policy and state of SELinux
- service - Manage services
- set_fact - Set host facts from a task
- setup - Gathers facts about remote hosts
- shell - Execute commands in nodes.
- slurp - Slurps a file from remote nodes
- stat - Retrieve file or file system status
- subversion - Deploys a subversion repository
- synchronize - A wrapper around rsync to make common tasks in your playbooks quick and easy.
- sysctl - Manage entries in sysctl.conf.
- systemd - Manage services
- template - retrieve contents of file after templating with Jinja2
- unarchive - Unpacks an archive after (optionally) copying it from the local machine.
- uri - Interacts with webservices
- user - Manage user accounts
- wait_for - Waits for a condition before continuing
- wait_for_connection - Waits until remote system is reachable/usable
- win_acl - Set file/directory/registry permissions for a system user or group
- win_acl_inheritance - Change ACL inheritance
- win_command - Executes a command on a remote Windows node
- win_copy - Copies files to remote locations on windows hosts
- win_disk_image - Manage ISO/VHD/VHDX mounts on Windows hosts
- win_dns_client - Configures DNS lookup on Windows hosts
- win_domain - Ensures the existence of a Windows domain
- win_domain_controller - Manage domain controller/member server state for a Windows host
- win_domain_membership - Manage domain/workgroup membership for a Windows host
- win_file - Creates, touches or removes files or directories
- win_get_url - Fetches a file from a given URL
- win_group - Add and remove local groups
- win_owner - Set owner
- win_package - Installs/uninstalls an installable package
- win_path - Manage Windows path environment variables
- win_ping - A windows version of the classic ping module
- win_reboot - Reboot a windows machine
- win_regedit - Add, change, or remove registry keys and values
- win_service - Manage and query Windows services
- win_share - Manage Windows shares
- win_shell - Execute shell commands on target hosts
- win_stat - Get information about Windows files
- win_template - Templates a file out to a remote server
- win_updates - Download and install Windows updates
- win_user - Manages local Windows user accounts
- yum - Manages packages with the yum package manager
- yum_repository - Add or remove YUM repositories